Grab the modern menopause services

We’re here to offer a complete variety of menopause services and to
assist you in obtaining the treatment you need.


We provide quality services

Regular check-ups during menopause help maintain overall health and well-being.

Initial consultation covering your Menopausal

Initial consultation covering your Menopausal/ Peri-menopausal symptoms, relevant medical history and management options. 30 minutes audio/ video call PKR 4000/-

Follow up appointment via audio/ video call

A follow up appointment via audio/ video call of 20 minutes in 3 months to assess your progress of menopause management: PKR 2000/-

Yearly review appointment via audio/ video call

A one yearly review appointment via audio/ video call of 20 min : PKR 2000/-

We always ready for your health

We take great satisfaction in supporting your health and well-being during menopause, using the latest advancements and personalized care approaches to meet your unique needs.